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Black Boy LaneI ain�t going back to Blackboy Lane, no
No, I ain�t going back to Blackboy Lane, no
There must be some other way, oh
Because I ain�t going back to Blackboy Lane
Never again
Do you think you can help?
Can't you make me a call?
... I can't get nothing at all
Today, are you dancing today?
15 tracksuits coming up my lane
15 tracksuits coming up my lane
In which you must lie down and die
Oh once they shut him all day,
Shut him all night
Shut him with brown
Shut him away
Today, are you dancing today?
And there�s a bullet there with my name
So, I ain�t going back to Blackboy Lane, never
Oh, what about the fella you knew from sometime before
In the house by the park with the cage on the door?
You phone and you say, are you dancing today?
Are you dancing today?
Alternative (earlier) lyrics:
Ain�t going back to Blackboy Lane
Ain�t going back to Blackboy Lane
There must be some other way
Ain�t going back to Blackboy Lane
Do you think you can help me?
Can you make me a call?
The ... is so deep, get nothing at all today
Are you dancing today?
Must be some other...
Must be some other way
There�s a bullet there with my name
Will I ever find my way?
Just a fella I knew from sometime before
A house by the park with a cage on the door
You phone and say, are you dancing today?
Ain�t going back to Blackboy Lane
Alternative lyrics:
Do you think you can help me?
Can you make me a call?
I'm so close to town but can't get nothing at all
You phone and say, are you dancing today?
Lyrics sent in by SeanGlasgow and a couple of anonymous fans. (Was it you? Let us know.) Thank you so much :)
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